This event has passed.
Getting involved
We rely heavily on parent/volunteer involvement - we understand the demands on your time in today's world, so we value any little bit you can do. To really create a family culture, we would love everyone to a little to share the load. There are a number of ways you can get involved in RDC:
Social Events committee - help organise some social events for all divers and parents
Fundraising committee - assist in organising and coordinating trivia night, sausage sizzles, grant applications, sponsorship acquisition etc/ . Or bring some new ideas to the table
Social media and website - suggestions and improvements - share your ideas to help improve this area of communication
Working bee - there are a number of things which need to be done in the dryland space - we'd love your help with this!
Judge at or assist at competitions - see the box above
Board Director - if you have the desire to assist with strategic direction of the club or have previous experience on Board level, we would love to hear from you